Jgn tgk lama2 bawang tu... X elok betul korang nih.. He3...
Citer diklasifikasikan sebagai comedy.. Nak kata light comedy pn blh nk kata heavy pn blh...
It just about news.. Citer berpunca dalam bilik berita jer.. then ada la selit2 citer sket je..
Tp ada gak part2 yg x best... Biasa la ... Ada bab terrorist... Even thought its funny... Steven Seagal pn ada berlakon.. He3.. Aku ingat kan duplicate dia...
The plot revolves around an Onion television news anchorman, Norm Archer, who is forced to face the inevitability of a corporate takeover. This plot serves as a springboard, in typical Onion fashion, for various satirical, ironic and bizarre comedy skits.
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