Aug 25, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2

Apa aku nak komen pasal citer ni ek? Entah ler... Mcm tu la jugak.. Jap aku google...

Haaa.. nah!


Scientist Richard Parker records a video message to explain his disappearance. Later, he and his wife, Mary, are aboard a private jet hijacked by a man sent to assassinate Richard. With the pilot dead, the plane crashes.
In the present, Richard and Mary's son, Peter, fights crime as Spider-Man. He apprehends Aleksei Sytsevich, who attempted to steal a truck containing plutonium vials, and rescues OsCorp Industries employee Max Dillon. While speaking by phone with Gwen Stacy, Peter sees a vision of her deceased father, police captain George Stacy, reminding him to leave Gwen out of his affairs as Spider-Man. After their high school graduation, Peter meets with Gwen at a restaurant outside, insisting he needs to keep his vow to her father by staying away from her; upset, Gwen ends their relationship.
Peter's childhood friend, Harry Osborn, returns to Manhattan to see his terminally ill father, Norman, CEO of OsCorp. Norman explains his illness is hereditary and Harry is at the age where it first develops. He gives Harry a small device he claims contains his life's work. The next day, Norman dies and Harry is appointed the new OsCorp CEO. He accuses the OsCorp board of trying to wrest control from the Osborns, as they have been privy to Norman's secret biogenetic projects for foreign military powers.
Thinking they have become "best friends", Max idolizes Spider-Man. While tending to maintenance in an OsCorp laboratory, he gets electrocuted and falls into a tank of genetically modified electric eels. They mutate him into a living electric generator. Meanwhile, Peter attempts to maintain a friendship with Gwen, but, as she reveals that an opportunity for a scholarship at Oxford University means that she may move to Britain, Max wanders into Times Square and accidentally causes a blackout. Spider-Man attempts to calm him down, but the police fire at Max, and Spider-Man's resulting rescue of the endangered citizens draws media attention away from Max, making him lose his temper and attack. Spider-Man eventually stops him, and Max is taken to Ravencroft Institute.
Harry's illness begins to show, and he deduces Spider-Man's blood will save him, later asking Peter to find Spider-Man. Peter attempts to dissuade him, unsure of what effects the transfusion would have, and, although he does come to Harry as Spider-Man, he still refuses; Harry begins to hate Spider-Man. The OsCorp board members frame Harry for covering up Max's accident, and remove him as CEO. Harry's assistant informs him of equipment that could help him; he works with Max to get him back inside the OsCorp building and, there, finds a suit of armor made by Norman, and venom from genetically altered spiders. The venom accelerates his illness and transforms him into a goblin-like creature, but its built-in emergency protocol restores his health.
Peter uses information left by his father to find a video message in a hidden lab; Richard explains that he had to leave because he refused to cooperate with Norman's biogenetic weaponization plans. Peter gets a voicemail from Gwen, telling him she got the scholarship at Oxford and is leaving for Britain earlier than expected. Before she leaves, he catches her and professes he loves her. When Max causes another blackout, Peter and Gwen go to confront him. They restore power and overload Max's body, killing him. Harry arrives equipped with Norman's armor and weaponry; he deduces Spider-Man's true identity and kidnaps Gwen. He fights Spider-Man at the top of a clock tower. Spider-Man subdues Harry, but despite his attempts to save Gwen, she falls to her death. A distraught Peter gives up being Spider-Man and he spends several days throughout the year at Gwen's grave.
Over the next five months, Harry has healed from his transformation at Ravencroft. His associate Gustav Fiers visits him and breaks Sytsevich out of prison. Equipped with a mechanical suit of armor, Sytsevich calls himself the "Rhino" and rampages through the streets. Peter, inspired by Gwen's graduation speech, returns to battle him as Spider-Man.

Aci tak? wakakaka.. Abang WIKI tlg...

" CARUT SANGAT" hahaha...

Layan gak citer ni... Mula2 je macam x best. Tp mungkin elemen komedi tu tebal kot. Fizz Fairuz mmg kelako jugak orgnye...
Nely mmg la sgt lembut.. eiiii!!! geram weih! hahahaha...
Izzue a.k.a Nasi tambah a.k.a rakan subahat.

Citer pasal nak tackle awek... Biasa la.. Starting citer heroin nampak hero buat mende tak senonoh. Walhal salah sangka je...
Heroin ni pulak mmg jenis tak suka lelaki "son of a FISH"...
Family heroin plak mcm Keluarga 69.
Ayah menggatal.. Emak menggatal.. Abang menggatal..dgn kaum sejenis,. huhuhu..
yg bestnya citer ni time huru hara.. hahaha... Aku pun x tahan gelak.

Nak aku citer dari mula ke? Xyah la.. nanti tak best plak korang tgk. hehehe..
Spontaneus (betul ke eja ni?) tu yg best.
try la tgk.. pastu komen sini... hahaha.. boleh?

Aug 20, 2014

X- Men.. Hari Lusa ke Semalam? Ngeee..

Sequel ke prequel? Hehehehe..
Sequel untuk Fisrt Class.. Prequel untuk yang lain2... Hahahaha... Boleh x gitu?
Kali ini karakter utama adalah Wolverine, Prof X muda, Magneto muda, Mystique muda. Beast muda.
Dalam pada tu kita blh nampak karakter askar jahat yg benamkan besi pada wolverine dalam filem Wolverine.
Ok enough of that..
This movie is about saving the future by saving the past tragedy...Filem ini bermula di mana zaman kejatuhan Mutan.. semua duduk bersembunyi kerana dicari oleh satu mesin/robot berkuasa (The Sentinels) yg boleh mengalahkan mana2 sahaja mutan yg ada..


Sentinels, robots that were created for the purpose of hunting down mutants were released in 1973. 50 years later the Sentinels would also hunt humans who aid mutants. Charles Xavier and his X-Men try their best to deal with the Sentinels but they are able to adapt and deal with all mutant abilities. Charles decides to go back in time and change things. He asks Kitty Pryde who can send a person's consciousness into the person's past to send him but she can only send someone back a few weeks because if she sends someone back further it could harm them. So Logan decides to go back himself because he might be able to withstand it. So Charles tells him that it's Mystique who's responsible because when she learned about the Sentinels she sought out Bolivar Trask the man who created them and killed him. She would be caught and studied and her ability to change was somehow added to the Sentinels which is why they can adapt. Logan must go to the younger Charles and ask him to help

Msa gi mtk tlg tu Charles tgh bermuram durja pas kes berpecah ngan magneto tu.
Beast je yg tinggal kat rumah tu. Lepas pujuk dgn cara kasar akhirnya setuju untuk halang mystique dari bunuh seorang pengedar/pembekal senjata yg lebih kecil dari Tony Stark. Hehehehe..
Itu aje.. Aku pun tgk gambo rakam panggung.. So blur sikit la bagi penerangan.. Ikut quality gambo. Wakakaka...


Rentetan ulangan Tanah Kubur pg td... Aku terus terpikir bila Tok Adi dok citer pasal adil bila berpoligami.. Kemampuan...

Mungkin sesetengah lelaki itu mampu untuk berpoligami TETAPI tidak semua lelaki itu MAMPU untuk menanggung tambahan dosa dari tanggungjawabnya... 
Correct me if I'm wrong... Please...
Kita sama2 mencari ilmu.

Aug 19, 2014

Allah Hu Rabbi...

The Expendables 3

Ramai kan? Semua baik kecuali Mel Gibson punya watak.
Starting citer dgn misi yg gagal... Sorang cedera teruk. Tiada yg mati.
Misi jadi gagal apabila ternampak org yg dah mati hidup semula pastu jadi pengedar senjata terkemuka.
Org tu pulak bekas ahli team diorg.
Lepas misi tu bos beso Sly, jumpa semua ahli2 lain dan nasihatkan suruh teruskan kehidupan masing2.
Berhenti buat kerja askar upahan ni. Habiskan sisa2 hidup dgn jalan yg lurus... Hahaha...
Muktamad katanya.
Kemudian dia dpt job dari Harrison Ford (ejen fed) untuk hapuskan Mel.
Dia pun jumpa member dia a.k.a. pencari bakat Grammer...
Pilih ahli2 baru.. Muda2. Dgn taktik2 baru..
Berangkat untuk misi terbaru dgn Arnie sbg pilot. Mula2 riki line dulu.. Then they make a plan. but this time with more tactical. not just ambush the place.. but to capture the slave. hahaha.. merapu.
dulu kan diaorg just war tactical.. skang ada gadget.. Sbb ada tenaga muda with fresh brain.
Tapi sayang... Misi gagal lagi dan semua ahli baru tertangkap kecuali SLY.
Balik semula ke gudang dgn arnie. Kumpul semua senjata yg perlu. Rancang semula. Dtg la si Banderas ni bodek habis nak join. Sbb xde keje. Veteran perang jugak... Tapi mmg membebel 24 jam je dia tu. Elok gi perang mulut. Hahahaha..
Biasa la INTERMISSION... Nak gerak tu all the guys from old team datang.. Nak join perang.. Misi menyelamat.. At that time Jet Li baru muncul. Tp keje untuk arnie.
And u all know how it ends... Kan?
Gi la tgk.. x rugi...
Jangan nangis pulak...

Hantu Nan Sempit

Citer komedi yang tiada langsung genre seram.. Hehehe...
Tapi citer mmg kelako...
Tajuk aku rasa takde kena mengena pun dengan citer.
Citer ni pasal persaingan 2 bengkel. Berebut kan seorang pomen handalan (konon)
Aku lupa plak nama watak Hazama tu... Dia keje dgn Sofi Jikan. Seorang usahawan muda yg berdisiplin katanya. Tapi bengkel xde customer. Pomen duk tido je. 1 hari bos sudah bising sama itu pomen suh repair ada 1 motor tersadai kat tepi bengkel sbb eksiden . Dan dari situlah segalanya bermula....
Apabila cinta manusia ditagih tp diketepikan maka motor yang menjadi sandaran... Hahahaha... Apa aku merapu ni...
Takde langsung hantu yang muncul dalam citer ni. Cuma motor sahaja macam ada magic. Dan watak motor tu pun x sampai ujung cerita. Setengah aje. Sebab tgh2 hero dah sibuk bercinta ngan awek "KAKI GAME".
Kalau nak tgk "the other side of" Soffi Jikan blh la menonton filem ni... Aku pn tak sangka dia blh jadi gitu. wakakaka...
Pada aku citer ni sangat ringan..
Mmg layan..
Itu aje..